Free end-to-end analytics in Yandex.Metrica with hints

Simple end-to-end analytics based on 2 goals in Yandex. Metrica with automatic recommendations.
Check how correct the numbers in your metric are and how your directologist has set up the goals.

Try 30 days free

Free Turnkey setting

The problem is in the market

  1. There is no setting standard among specialists.
  2. Each specialist sets up his set of goals based on his level of examination, often focusing on complex and unimportant moments, instead of simply transferring applications, sales and revenue for the correct basic analytics.
  3. There is no standard for viewing reports and conclusions based on their.
  4. As a result, something is configured, but what to do with it is not clear.


Automated control without a human factor created by experts in through analytics

  1. Check the settings of the metric & mdash; There are goals for the application and for sales to watch conversions according to standard sections.
  2. We are building a set of typical dashboard on popular cuts to evaluate applications, sale and revenue on them.
  3. For each cut, we make an automatic audit indicating the problem.
  4. The task of working with Yandex metric is reduced to eliminating the comments found automatically.
  5. Dependence on the level of a particular specialist - disappears.

How it looks

How to set it up?

It is enough to connect Yandex Metric to Apimonster and create an audit. Affairs for 5-10 minutes, dashboard everyone is ready .

What other opportunities do Apimonster have?

After the audit, you will most likely find that everything is bad with conversions transmission. Apimonster will help quickly configure the transmission of conversions from the site or CRM to the fact of sale. There is a setup Full construction.