
Save up to 300,000 rubles/month on the development and support of typical connectors.

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Api Monster this is:
  1. More than 70 services with which there are ready -made connectors
  2. More than 116 finished events
  3. More than 107 finished actions
  4. Reliability proven by millions of events
  5. Uptime 99.99%

All this is already working stably and if Api Monster is connected, you will not need to program on your own.

Benefit for you and your service
  1. Immediately get ready -made connectors with popular market services
  2. Savings 100,000 - 300,000 rubles/month on the development and support of typical connectors that can be directed to marketing or the development of the main selling features of your service
  3. Customer support and monitoring 24/7 without your participation

Benefit for your customers
  1. The ability to transfer data from your service to other popular services
  2. Flexible data transmission settings that allow you to solve rare problems, which it makes no sense to modify the main service.
  3. Turnkey settings

Typical customer tasks that can be solved via Api Monster
  1. Creating transactions in CRM
  2. Sending conversions to Yandex Metric, Google Analytics, Facebook
  3. Sending data to Google Sheets
  4. Implementation of complex data exchange logic

Work options
Simple, free
  1. Working on the AI Monster Domain
  2. Making a personal connector for your service
  3. For your customers, the Monster Api is paid according to the tariffs
  4. You post a link to the Monster Api on your site and actively recommend it
  5. It makes sense to do this when there is an active demand for connectors
Simple, paid (recommended)
  1. Working on the Monster Api domain
  2. We are making a personal connector for your service and all bundles with it will be free
  3. Bundles without the participation of your service will remain paid
  4. You probably won't need to refine your service, but you should have webhooks and APIs for targeted actions.

49 990 rubles per month.

  1. Working on your domain
  2. Making a personal connector for your service
  3. All bundles are free
  4. Improvements to your service will be required

99 990 rubles per month.

Or write to Telegram