Customer reviews

Client: 134704

Despite my misunderstanding of the connection process, the team helped me figure it out and the integration was set up successfully. Thanks!

Client: 134514

Integration was set up quickly and clearly. Everything works like clockwork.

Client: 133763

Excellent, the integration of SDEC with Ozone was set up quickly enough.

Client: 131132

We quickly set up synchronization between Ozone and SDEC. Operational support.

Client: 127973

It was necessary to set up the integration of cyanogen with AMO, the guys coped with the task perfectly! And most importantly, clearly and quickly! Now the leads will not pass by)

Client: 131541

There are quite large free (regular) features. It is intuitive how to work and configure data exchange. Additionally, I would like to mention the loyal support service, which even in demo mode provides all possible assistance with tips.

Client: 135715

I made the integration of OZONE-SDEK to automatically create shipments according to the RFBS work scheme. Now I save about 4 hours of time, instead of manually creating invoices. Everything works. Thank you very much!

Client: 136804

We contacted you promptly and promptly to set up the integration. High-quality service.

Client: 139122

The specialists of the Apimonstr company promptly configured all the necessary parameters. The interaction was carried out via WhatsApp chat. The whole process took one day after the bill was paid. So far, as a beginner, everything is clear and accessible to me. The tincture is completed, the system works smoothly, I hope for long-term and fruitful cooperation. Thank you for your work.

Client: 138774

Prompt solution of assigned tasks. They will prompt and help you with all your questions. There are also detailed instructions for typical tasks. There are video instructions.

Client: 140205

1) Fast connection 2) Intuitive interface 3) Reasonable price of services 4) Active support service

Client: 140490

Fast, convenient, good interface