Передача заказов из Ozon в DPD

Автоматическое создание заказа в DPD и присвоение трек-номера. Поддержка от менеджеров DPD.

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Гибкое создание заказов в DPD

Можно выбрать тариф, размеры, дополнительные услуги.

Прозрачный мониторинг присвоения трек-номеров в OZON

Специальный дашборд покажет последние 200 заказов из OZON, статус отправки в DPD и получения трек-номера.

Автоматическая помощь по каждому заказу

Специальный дашборд покажет последние 200 заказов из OZON, подскажет текущий статус обработки и что нужно или не нужно делать с заказом.

Поддержка менеджеров из DPD

Менеджеры DPD с нами на прямой связи - объяснят как настроить и возьмут на поддержку.

Technical requirements and nuances

  1. Тип склада в Ozon - rFBS


Configuration examples

Мы можем все настроить за вас, оставьте заявку здесь.

1. Создание заказа в DPD и отправка трек-номера в OZON

Подключите сервисы
  • Ozon

  • DPD

Настройте связки
Связка 1

Что делает связка:

Получает заказ из OZON, создает заказ в DPD, отправляет трек-номер в OZON

  • Шаг 1. Ozon, ловим событие Новое отправление FBS (API V3) (new)

  • Шаг 2. DPD, добавляем действие Создать заказ из OZON (Дверь-Дверь/ДД)

  • Шаг 3. Ozon, добавляем действие Добавить трек-номер

2. Удаление заказа в DPD при отмене в OZON

Подключите сервисы
  • Ozon

  • DPD

Настройте связки
Связка 1

Что делает связка:

Получает заказ из OZON, отменяет заказ в DPD

  • Шаг 1. Ozon, ловим событие Новое отправление FBS (API V3) (new)

  • Шаг 2. DPD, добавляем действие Отменить заказ

Advantages of ApiMonster

Универсальный инструмент

ApiMonster может решить около 500 популярных задач (а не только текущую), связанных с автоматизацией маркетинга, продаж и аналитики.

Максимальная гибкость

В отличие от моно-инструментов, ApiMonster позволяет легко выбирать с какими сервисами работать, какие значения куда передавать, в том числе можно делать логику передачи данных на JavaScript.

Экономия на сервисах

ApiMonster заменяет десяток моно-сервисов - получаете 10 сервисов по цене одного-двух.

Настройка под ключ без поиска интеграторов

Мы готовы помочь вам настроить сервис и решить задачу. Оставьте заявку здесь.

Popular ready-made solutions


We give you 30 days for a free test, all the functionality is available.

Tariff plans

There is no discount

Discount 5%

Discount 10%

Discount 25%

Cost calculator for your project and commercial offer in PDF format here.

Tariff 1

$14 / month.

  • 1 100 transactions / month.
    Approximately 367 of orders/requests
    per month, depends on the complexity of the bundles.

  • 10 000 webhooks / month.

  • 4 days is the storage period for the history of webhooks

  • Before 30 incoming webhuks / sec.

  • Unlimited the number of connections and accounts per service

  • The ability to automatically change the tariff if the limits are reached

  • Free Settings

  • Ozon Parsing period/Wildberries/Kaspi: 5 days.

Get started free

Tariff 2

$39 / month.

  • 5 000 transactions / month.
    Approximately 1667 of orders/requests
    per month, depends on the complexity of the bundles.

  • 50 000 webhooks / month.

  • 7 days is the storage period for the history of webhooks

  • Before 50 incoming webhuks / sec.

  • Unlimited the number of connections and accounts per service

  • The ability to automatically change the tariff if the limits are reached

  • Free Settings

  • Ozon Parsing period/Wildberries/Kaspi: 14 days.

Get started free

Tariff 3

$69 / month.

  • 10 000 transactions / month.
    Approximately 3333 of orders/requests
    per month, depends on the complexity of the bundles.

  • 100 000 webhooks / month.

  • 10 days is the storage period for the history of webhooks

  • Before 70 incoming webhuks / sec.

  • Unlimited the number of connections and accounts per service

  • The ability to automatically change the tariff if the limits are reached

  • Free Settings

  • Ozon Parsing period/Wildberries/Kaspi: 21 days.

Get started free

Tariff 4

$99 / month.

  • 15 000 transactions / month.
    Approximately 5000 of orders/requests
    per month, depends on the complexity of the bundles.

  • 150 000 webhooks / month.

  • 14 days is the storage period for the history of webhooks

  • Before 100 incoming webhuks / sec.

  • Unlimited the number of connections and accounts per service

  • The ability to automatically change the tariff if the limits are reached

  • Free Settings
  • Constant support in chat

  • Ozon Parsing period/Wildberries/Kaspi: 30 days.

Get started free


Why is it profitable to pay for ApiMonster?
An alternative to ApiMonster is to work directly with programmers whose salaries start from 150,000 rubles/month. You will spend significantly more money and time to solve a problem that has already been solved in ApiMonster. Also, working through ApiMonster, you get maximum stability in solving your problem - ApiMonster works offline 24/7, will not disappear, will not get sick.

I'm not sure if the service is suitable for me, does it make sense to test?
The service performs thousands of different actions every day. If your task can be solved through the service, we guarantee that everything will work. If you find it difficult to set up yourself, there is a turnkey setup.

What is a webhook?
Any http request included in ApiMonster get/post. For example, a notification from amoCRM about the creation of a new deal.

What is a transaction?
This is any outgoing webhook (api request): send a conversion, create/find a deal/contact/task, and so on.

How many transactions do you need?
Multiply the number of applications per month by 3-4. For example, if applications are 100, then transactions will be about 300-400 & mdash; Create transactions, send conversions, notifications. For personal calculation of the tariff, use calculator.

How many incoming webhooks do I need per month?
Usually 2-5 times the number of transactions. This restriction was introduced to reduce the load from projects with an abnormal number of webhooks that create unnecessary load. If you don't send 10 webhooks per second, then the limit is probably not relevant for you.

What is the retention period of the webhook history?
The webhook history is needed in case you find errors in the bundle and want to see what came in the webhook for debugging. The content of webhooks can require a lot of storage resources, so a restriction has been introduced. This parameter does not affect the work of the bundles.

1-3 days are enough to set up the bundles.

How many incoming webhuks do you need per second?
Usually incoming webhuk is the creation or update of the application. This event rarely occurs more often than 1 time per second, so there is more than enough limit of 5-30 webhuk per second.

Tariff 5

$159 / month.

  • 30 000 transactions / month.
    Approximately 10000 of orders/requests
    per month, depends on the complexity of the bundles.

  • 300 000 webhooks / month.

  • 21 days is the storage period for the history of webhooks

  • Before 150 incoming webhuks / sec.

  • Unlimited the number of connections and accounts per service

  • The ability to automatically change the tariff if the limits are reached

  • Free Settings
  • Constant support in chat

  • Ozon Parsing period/Wildberries/Kaspi: 45 days.

Get started free

Tariff 6

$299 / month.

  • 100 000 transactions / month.
    Approximately 33333 of orders/requests
    per month, depends on the complexity of the bundles.

  • 1 000 000 webhooks / month.

  • 30 days is the storage period for the history of webhooks

  • Before 200 incoming webhuks / sec.

  • Unlimited the number of connections and accounts per service

  • The ability to automatically change the tariff if the limits are reached

  • Free Settings
  • Constant support in chat

  • Ozon Parsing period/Wildberries/Kaspi: 45 days.

Get started free

Tariff 7

$399 / month.

  • 200 000 transactions / month.
    Approximately 66667 of orders/requests
    per month, depends on the complexity of the bundles.

  • 2 000 000 webhooks / month.

  • 30 days is the storage period for the history of webhooks

  • Before 250 incoming webhuks / sec.

  • Unlimited the number of connections and accounts per service

  • The ability to automatically change the tariff if the limits are reached

  • Free Settings
  • Constant support in chat

  • Ozon Parsing period/Wildberries/Kaspi: 45 days.

Get started free


Why is it profitable to pay for ApiMonster?
An alternative to ApiMonster is to work directly with programmers whose salaries start from 150,000 rubles/month. You will spend significantly more money and time to solve a problem that has already been solved in ApiMonster. Also, working through ApiMonster, you get maximum stability in solving your problem - ApiMonster works offline 24/7, will not disappear, will not get sick.

I'm not sure if the service is suitable for me, does it make sense to test?
The service performs thousands of different actions every day. If your task can be solved through the service, we guarantee that everything will work. If you find it difficult to set up yourself, there is a turnkey setup.

What is a webhook?
Any http request included in ApiMonster get/post. For example, a notification from amoCRM about the creation of a new deal.

What is a transaction?
This is any outgoing webhook (api request): send a conversion, create/find a deal/contact/task, and so on.

How many transactions do you need?
Multiply the number of applications per month by 3-4. For example, if applications are 100, then transactions will be about 300-400 & mdash; Create transactions, send conversions, notifications. For personal calculation of the tariff, use calculator.

How many incoming webhooks do I need per month?
Usually 2-5 times the number of transactions. This restriction was introduced to reduce the load from projects with an abnormal number of webhooks that create unnecessary load. If you don't send 10 webhooks per second, then the limit is probably not relevant for you.

What is the retention period of the webhook history?
The webhook history is needed in case you find errors in the bundle and want to see what came in the webhook for debugging. The content of webhooks can require a lot of storage resources, so a restriction has been introduced. This parameter does not affect the work of the bundles.

1-3 days are enough to set up the bundles.

How many incoming webhuks do you need per second?
Usually incoming webhuk is the creation or update of the application. This event rarely occurs more often than 1 time per second, so there is more than enough limit of 5-30 webhuk per second.

Tariff 8

$499 / month.

  • 300 000 transactions / month.
    Approximately 100000 of orders/requests
    per month, depends on the complexity of the bundles.

  • 3 000 000 webhooks / month.

  • 30 days is the storage period for the history of webhooks

  • Before 250 incoming webhuks / sec.

  • Unlimited the number of connections and accounts per service

  • The ability to automatically change the tariff if the limits are reached

  • Free Settings
  • Constant support in chat

  • Ozon Parsing period/Wildberries/Kaspi: 45 days.

Get started free

Tariff 9

$599 / month.

  • 400 000 transactions / month.
    Approximately 133333 of orders/requests
    per month, depends on the complexity of the bundles.

  • 4 000 000 webhooks / month.

  • 30 days is the storage period for the history of webhooks

  • Before 250 incoming webhuks / sec.

  • Unlimited the number of connections and accounts per service

  • The ability to automatically change the tariff if the limits are reached

  • Free Settings
  • Constant support in chat

  • Ozon Parsing period/Wildberries/Kaspi: 45 days.

Get started free

Tariff 10

$699 / month.

  • 500 000 transactions / month.
    Approximately 166667 of orders/requests
    per month, depends on the complexity of the bundles.

  • 5 000 000 webhooks / month.

  • 30 days is the storage period for the history of webhooks

  • Before 250 incoming webhuks / sec.

  • Unlimited the number of connections and accounts per service

  • The ability to automatically change the tariff if the limits are reached

  • Free Settings
  • Constant support in chat

  • Ozon Parsing period/Wildberries/Kaspi: 45 days.

Get started free


Why is it profitable to pay for ApiMonster?
An alternative to ApiMonster is to work directly with programmers whose salaries start from 150,000 rubles/month. You will spend significantly more money and time to solve a problem that has already been solved in ApiMonster. Also, working through ApiMonster, you get maximum stability in solving your problem - ApiMonster works offline 24/7, will not disappear, will not get sick.

I'm not sure if the service is suitable for me, does it make sense to test?
The service performs thousands of different actions every day. If your task can be solved through the service, we guarantee that everything will work. If you find it difficult to set up yourself, there is a turnkey setup.

What is a webhook?
Any http request included in ApiMonster get/post. For example, a notification from amoCRM about the creation of a new deal.

What is a transaction?
This is any outgoing webhook (api request): send a conversion, create/find a deal/contact/task, and so on.

How many transactions do you need?
Multiply the number of applications per month by 3-4. For example, if applications are 100, then transactions will be about 300-400 & mdash; Create transactions, send conversions, notifications. For personal calculation of the tariff, use calculator.

How many incoming webhooks do I need per month?
Usually 2-5 times the number of transactions. This restriction was introduced to reduce the load from projects with an abnormal number of webhooks that create unnecessary load. If you don't send 10 webhooks per second, then the limit is probably not relevant for you.

What is the retention period of the webhook history?
The webhook history is needed in case you find errors in the bundle and want to see what came in the webhook for debugging. The content of webhooks can require a lot of storage resources, so a restriction has been introduced. This parameter does not affect the work of the bundles.

1-3 days are enough to set up the bundles.

How many incoming webhuks do you need per second?
Usually incoming webhuk is the creation or update of the application. This event rarely occurs more often than 1 time per second, so there is more than enough limit of 5-30 webhuk per second.

With these tariffs, you can make ApiMonster free for your customers - you will pay for them..

This can be beneficial to increase the value of your product or service in the eyes of customers..

Find out more details

Whitelable 1

$600 / month.

  • 100 000 transactions / month.
    Approximately 33333 of orders/requests
    per month, depends on the complexity of the bundles.

  • 1 000 000 webhooks / month.

  • 2 days is the storage period for the history of webhooks

  • Before 250 incoming webhuks / sec.

  • Unlimited the number of connections and accounts per service

  • The ability to automatically change the tariff if the limits are reached

  • Free Settings
  • Constant support in chat

  • Ozon Parsing period/Wildberries/Kaspi: 5 days.

Get started free

Whitelable 2

$1,200 / month.

  • 200 000 transactions / month.
    Approximately 66667 of orders/requests
    per month, depends on the complexity of the bundles.

  • 2 000 000 webhooks / month.

  • 2 days is the storage period for the history of webhooks

  • Before 250 incoming webhuks / sec.

  • Unlimited the number of connections and accounts per service

  • The ability to automatically change the tariff if the limits are reached

  • Free Settings
  • Constant support in chat

  • Ozon Parsing period/Wildberries/Kaspi: 14 days.

Get started free

Whitelable 3

$2,400 / month.

  • 400 000 transactions / month.
    Approximately 133333 of orders/requests
    per month, depends on the complexity of the bundles.

  • 4 000 000 webhooks / month.

  • 2 days is the storage period for the history of webhooks

  • Before 250 incoming webhuks / sec.

  • Unlimited the number of connections and accounts per service

  • The ability to automatically change the tariff if the limits are reached

  • Free Settings
  • Constant support in chat

  • Ozon Parsing period/Wildberries/Kaspi: 21 days.

Get started free


Why is it profitable to pay for ApiMonster?
An alternative to ApiMonster is to work directly with programmers whose salaries start from 150,000 rubles/month. You will spend significantly more money and time to solve a problem that has already been solved in ApiMonster. Also, working through ApiMonster, you get maximum stability in solving your problem - ApiMonster works offline 24/7, will not disappear, will not get sick.

I'm not sure if the service is suitable for me, does it make sense to test?
The service performs thousands of different actions every day. If your task can be solved through the service, we guarantee that everything will work. If you find it difficult to set up yourself, there is a turnkey setup.

What is a webhook?
Any http request included in ApiMonster get/post. For example, a notification from amoCRM about the creation of a new deal.

What is a transaction?
This is any outgoing webhook (api request): send a conversion, create/find a deal/contact/task, and so on.

How many transactions do you need?
Multiply the number of applications per month by 3-4. For example, if applications are 100, then transactions will be about 300-400 & mdash; Create transactions, send conversions, notifications. For personal calculation of the tariff, use calculator.

How many incoming webhooks do I need per month?
Usually 2-5 times the number of transactions. This restriction was introduced to reduce the load from projects with an abnormal number of webhooks that create unnecessary load. If you don't send 10 webhooks per second, then the limit is probably not relevant for you.

What is the retention period of the webhook history?
The webhook history is needed in case you find errors in the bundle and want to see what came in the webhook for debugging. The content of webhooks can require a lot of storage resources, so a restriction has been introduced. This parameter does not affect the work of the bundles.

1-3 days are enough to set up the bundles.

How many incoming webhuks do you need per second?
Usually incoming webhuk is the creation or update of the application. This event rarely occurs more often than 1 time per second, so there is more than enough limit of 5-30 webhuk per second.